"we live but our family give us a reason to live "

"we live but our family gives us a reason to live "

Monday, March 24, 2014

Still no foal...

Last night at around 10:30 I went outside to check on Nacoma and she was laying down moaning and all sweaty (those are signs that she is about to foal) so I stayed outside with her for about an hour till my mom came out to check on her too. she sat in the stall with me for a wile and Nacoma was still laying and moaning and wouldn't  eat anything and I have never ever seen Nacoma turn down food of any kind so we truly thought she was going to have the baby soon or at least that night. so we watched her until 12:00 and decided it was time to get some sleep then was our only chance considering if she had the baby that night we would be up all night with her and the baby, so we went in and went to bed.  we checked her again at 2:00, again at 3:00, again at 4:00 and again at 5:00. at two  she was still laying down like she was going to have the baby any minute, at three it was the same and at four she was standing up eating hay like nothing was ever wrong  and at five it was the same. So guess what? STILL NO DARN BABY :(
My Mom and I are just baffled that she hasn't had it yet. my Mom called the vet this morning and the vet said you never really know when a horse is going to have a baby, and that its just hit or miss sometimes.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring fever!

Spring is here and everywhere you turn is another beautiful baby!
We Have chicks and Duckies and a horse that is do to have her baby any second!!



Nacoma still flying solo .. 
Mamma and baby piggys!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Tatiana is Five, loves All animals, puzzles, Sports, running jumping, and being silly.
she`s only five but has a HUGE vocab \, and is super smart, funny,
 and awesome :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


About two weeks ago I went outside to gather up the eggs for the day, and saw that one of the hens had built a nest with 15 eggs!  I considerd taking them but I  didn`t know how long she had been sitting on them so I  went inside got a flash light and shined it through the egg, in other words "candling it". and i saw the veins and tiny body of the chick! so I set it gently back in the nest under the Mama, and went to find a safe, warm, dry place to move her. My Mom didn`t think it would be safe for her to go in a cage with other chickens she didn`t know, so we decided that fixing up the cage that we used last time when we had chicks from the store. it needed alot of work so thats how I spent my day, I rapped it in plastic tarps so no water would get in and then  I nailed three boards acrosed, one long one  from either side of the cage, and two going from that one to the back of the cage, then I  found some old wire and bent it into a small square then nailed it to the boards I had already nailed. then I went in the house and got a cardboard box to put her and the eggs in, after I had got her and the eggs I placed the box (and all inside of it) into the wire square so it would not fall. then she was set!.    I couldn`t get any pics cause she gets scared when people get to close, but once the chicks hatch she should be less afraid and I`ll be able to get some :)

Our horse Nacoma who we love to death, is Pregnant!! we are all so excited! it will be the second time one of our horses has had a baby! we got her when she was already 5 months pregnant.
 when a horse is going to have a baby they start to get milk two week before foaling (giving birth) and yesterday she started to get milk!!!! I`m super excited!!! and so is everyone els!! I cant wait! I`ll be posing non stop pics once he/she is born.  Pray its a Girl!! :)

My Mom has a icubater in her bedroom and a few weeks ago she had placed 25 baby  quail eggs inside and today as I was typing I heard little peeps coming from inside and I looked and they are starting to hatch!! Yay! and when they come out of the incubater I will post pics of them too!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Catching up.

So I know I  haven`t posted anything in a long time, well i haven`t posted anything in forever. but i`m going to start now!

Nothing to exciting  has happend really, we got to new dogs. one new horse, and a kitten. uhh, i`m not really sure if there is anything to post about but im going to try to find somthing at least once a week!!

I promis!